A player with a vast collection of books
As an avid reader with an extensive collection of books, I believe in the importance of maintaining a balance between indulging in Feast-like excitement and exercising "reason" when making significant decisions. Sometimes, it's refreshing to read trivial gossip magazines, while other times, I prefer diving into Classical literature or renowned works. I tend to avoid reading anything that falls in the middle. I recently came across the concept of Antifragility, which reminded me of the way the Ancient Greeks embraced Feast. It emphasizes the idea of not only being resilient but also benefiting from chaos and uncertainty. If you're interested, I recommend checking out my Reading Notes: 'Antifragile' from . It's quite fascinating. I recently came across a thought-provoking post by Ryotsu Kankichi. It made me realize that the key to predicting the future lies not in disregarding current norms but in abstracting the structures of other industries and applying the changes that occur there to our own industry. For instance, if we abstract "entertainment" by considering chess, go, bowling, and video games, we can predict that professionalization will occur in the latter as it did in the former. It's an interesting perspective. You can find more insights from Ryotsu Kankichi in this tweet by kawauchi_co on June 28, 2021. In conclusion, I believe that embracing the Abstraction of structure and thinking like a Hacker can lead to valuable insights. It's fascinating to see how Ryotsu Kankichi embodies the qualities of a hacker in his approach to various fields.